My Services
Individual services.
Suggestions is given in hypnosis state, I always use client's suggestions on how they would like to feel. Hypnosis is when we are in a hypnotic state not sleeping be inbetwwen that, our subconscious mind is more open to suggestion to help make changes. Suggestions are offered by the hypnotherapist during this state to help alter thought patterns. This technique is ideal for changing habits, overcoming anxiety and reducing stress.
Hypnoanalysis works in many ways and many reasons, but the underling concept is that we seek to find and remove the anxiety or other emotional state associated with a traumatic event from the past, its usually from childhood. Hypnoanalysis aims to discover and resolve the root cause of concern. It draws on concepts from analytical psychotherapy and uses these with hypnotherapy techniques. The hope is that hypnoanalysis can resolve problems rather than manage symptoms, and therefore address long-standing issues.
This is done within a few sessions of a problem that they may have for several years, And especially people who are suffering from unexplained phobias which can help within 1 to 2 sessions of hypnotherapy. But all clients are different.
These are the symptons which are covered:
click on the symptoms to give more information *
Other areas of hypnotherapy I deal with
Nail Biting
Bed wetting
snoring relaxation
Thumb sucking
Memory and concentration
Pregnancy and Hypnobirthing
Any other fears
From £65.00 to £95.00
Free initial telephone or online session
Additional information
£65 per session 40-60 mins on Live zoom and whatsup phone call
£240 4 sessions on zoom only
£85 Per session at the practice face to face​
£95 per session Home visit 40-60 mins
£310 4 sessions Home visit
£85 per visit at the practice in Hackney E8 40-60 mins
£350 4 sessions at the practice in Hackney
If 2hrs needed then an extra £50 on top of the above prices
I offer a group hypnotherapy on zoom to all, for just pure relaxation, I do a evening once a month. Please contact us for further information regarding dates and times. September dates not avaliable and second lot of sessions are January 8th 2023 it will start at 1pm and finish at 2 pm one hour, for 7 weeks. You wil be given information on healthy eating and also a weigh in first session, and third session and last session. Look a leaflet for the breakdown of what each session looks it.
Are you ready to make a change lose weight and kick out food habits out and feel more confidence and motivated for the New Year 2023!
Only Chingford Leisure Centre
The next session is:

Hypnotherapy doesn’t always work for everyone. As some people may have some kind of resistance to the session, so when resistance is formed by the client then the client may not be ready to want to make a change. As it will change their lifestyle as well without if they didn't have the symptom. sometimes we get use to our habits but don't like the change around family and friends.
I will have a pre talk induction about hypnotherapy this will put clients mind to rest and give opportunities to ask questions to clarify and if client feels comfortable and ready.
There are all different types of anxiety, this can affect all other types which are three character types, anxiety is an affect that is caused by the subconscious force over which the person has no control, it’s just something with in, but outside their control any triggers off aggravated by your subconscious associations
Also subconscious and society has an affect on the organism as a whole as the subconscious force will produce an affect either physically or mentally or even both it’s something within the person but outside their control.
Also sometimes the person who worries about other peoples problems and feels a need to help others who are in trouble and want to help others which would help with their own anxieties. When a person produces anxiety symptom a rash or an ulcer can form as their anxiety has been found outlet through the body instead. If you decide to go to a doctor about the rash doctor can prescribe a cream for the rash, it may work and the rash will gradually disappear, but the doctor has only treated their affect and not the cause.
Some symptoms which is an anxiety attack:
Heartbeat speed like palpitation
Can start to shake
Hot and cold flashes on the body and usually on the fingertips or sometimes experience a strong quick blush
Spaced out as though they going to pass out
Breathing becomes faster and feels like there is no air
May be contraction across the lower diaphragm
After the attack has happened you do return back to normal, but there be always a fear it may happen again and so you will avoid certain places or situations which might cause certain triggers of the anxiety to come back but it’s outside their control.
Hypnotherapy will help to relive any anxiety with some positive suggestions.
Depression is when you have a low mood for a long time, making it difficult for you to carry out your usual everyday activities. The condition can affect you in different ways and may be mild, severe or somewhere in-between. The level of severity will depend on how much depression is interfering with your life.
signs of depression:
a low mood, feeling sad and/or angry
lacking in energy
losing interest or enjoyment in activities you used to enjoy
difficulty concentrating
feeling tired more easily
low self-confidence
different sleeping habits (difficulty sleeping or sleeping more than usual)
different eating habits (eating more or less than usual)
feeling guilty or that you are worthless
Most people may suffer from one or two phobias if someone who breaks out in a cold sweat or maybe feel sick or even start shaking at the thought of addressing a large group of people or even been in a crowded situation or feel so uncomfortable at a sight of spiders or birds or heights or other phobias that they have to leave the room or just to keep away from them, there’s lots of phobias, but they are the same thing a fear of the unknown except that the fear has attached itself to something real in the environment it can be either a situation or an object.
A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder. Often you’ll feel the symptoms when you come into contact with the phobia, but for some people, the symptoms can come on simply from thinking about it. When you come across the source of your phobia, you’re likely to feel incredibly scared, nervous and anxious. You may also feel physical symptoms of fear and anxiety, such as:
dizziness/light headedness
fast heartbeat and/or palpitations
an upset stomach
Stress is something we experience when we feel under too much pressure and unable to cope. Often it’s a build-up of small, subtle stressors like work-related stress or financial worries that lead to ongoing (or chronic) stress. Feeling stressed for long periods of time takes its toll on both our mental and physical health.
Stress symptoms can cause you to behave in different ways. You might find you’re getting angry at people and snapping more often. Learning how to manage your stress in healthy and helpful ways is key, and sometimes this involves getting professional support.
Some of the ways you may feel emotionally include:
overwhelmed and as if you can’t cope
easily irritated and angry
low in self-esteem and self-worth
These feelings may change the way you behave and interact with those around you.
Some of the ways you may feel mentally include:
difficulty making decisions
difficulty focusing
constant worrying
These feelings may well impact your day-to-day life and over time, stress can lead to mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.
Some of the ways you may feel physically include:
tense muscles
feeling dizzy
problems sleeping
a change in appetite